Best ways to get kids to do their chores

Best ways to get kids to do their chores

Parents around the world rejoice whenever they welcome a new child into their lives, that is, until they become teenagers. Getting your older kids to do their chores can be almost impossible, but these crafty parents came up with ingenious solutions.

[post_page_title]Keeping it simple[/post_page_title]

Some adults can’t even figure out how to work their washing machines, so this parent made their child’s chores pretty straightforward. Thanks to these sticky notes, this parent’s kid can’t go wrong when doing the laundry.

Keeping it simple

They just have to ignore every button on the machine, throw in their clothes, and close the door. While this couldn’t be any easier, we do wonder whether the kid’s dirty laundry made it into the washing machine or stayed on their bedroom floor.

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