People share the crazy and funny things they’re up to while in quarantine

[post_page_title]It puts the food in the bucket[/post_page_title]

In certain cases, quarantine isn’t for the whole whole family… Every so often, just one rogue member comes back from somewhere nursing a pretty suspicious-sounding cough, and then they’re the only ones who need to go into lockdown.


@tivllermcqueenit’s a big bucket, she’ll be fine ##corona ##coronavirus ##selflove ##selfcare ##selfcarechallenge♬ If The World Was Ending – JP Saxe feat Julia Michaels


While pointing and laughing at them through the closed door is frankly what we’d do, more loving families band together to help. This poor girl with her food bucket, for instance, can count on her baby sister’s help. Again, though, if it was us, we’d just put a brick in that sucker.

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