Who doesn’t love a good public holiday? You get the day off and get to catch up on some much-needed sleep or miscellaneous activities that you don’t normally get to do. Some of us are fanatics who use the public holiday to celebrate what it’s about, like going out to dye the river green on Saint Patrick’s Day.
Wouldn’t it be great if every day was a public holiday? Sure we’d never get any work done so unfortunately we can’t have all the days off but imagine having something to celebrate every day. Well, actually there is a holiday for every day of the year, you just have to look at the National Today Calendar. Here are some of the more interesting national days you can find.
National Love Your Pet Day (USA) – 20 February
There is the day to appreciate your mother and a day to appreciate your father but what about your pets that loves you just as unconditionally? Well, that’s what National Love Your Pet Day is all about. Take your dog out for a walk or spend a little bit more time with your cat and it’s rope toy, just to show some appreciation. As with Mother’s and Father’s Day, every day should actually be Love Your Pet day.
World Poetry Day – 21 March
Poetry was the worst nightmare for some people in high school, but for others it is an unrivaled form of expression and creativity. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) founded this world-wide holiday in 1999 to give poetry its much-needed recognition. Take the day to write yourself a poem or visit the American Poetry Museum to see how diverse poetry can be.
National Daisy Day (USA) – 28 January
Daisies are one of the more common flowers found throughout the United States of America and the world. They are also quite a common symbol for youth and innocence and movies will often use the scene of two PARTNERS skipping through daisies as they fall in love. So use this day to go pick some daisies and make a daisy crown or perhaps go skipping through the fields to reenact that cliche scene.
National Eat Your Vegetables Day (USA) – 17 June
Mom always told us that this was important. It is so important that they decided to make a national day out of it. What’s the point when you should be eating vegetables every day? Well, this day is for those who aren’t particularly fond of vegetables to give them another try and find a vegetable that works for them. For those who like vegetables, this day is to try something new and see if you can’t add another leaf or root to your diet.