Ellen DeGeneres’ former employees and fans call her ‘mean’ in a viral thread

[post_page_title]Defending her honor[/post_page_title]

Well, we certainly have no clue what it feels like to have thousands of strangers trashing us on the net. Venturing a guess: it’s not a pleasant experience. But many have come to Degeneres’ defense, including this gentleman, who points out Ellen’s many donations to charity, saying: “For every terrible story about her, there are 10x more good ones… she’s extremely philanthropic on a national level.

Defending her honor

On a local level, she lives in Santa Barbara and is super friendly. You could mention the good that she does, which is far more than the $300 you raised.” However, it seems that Ellen has shown her darker side on her shows as well, and these celebrities were on the receiving end of almost bullying behavior.

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