Sometimes, all we want to do is avoid our responsibilities and be as lazy as we possibly can. But there are some people who have taken this to the extreme. Whether you call it lazy or genius, there’s no doubt about the fact these lazy life hacks will come in handy if you’re feeling particularly “nope” today.
When you find a comfy spot on your couch, you don’t want to move from it. That’s your place, and you’ll be darned if someone else steals it, right? But what happens if you need a refreshment? You don’t want to get up to go to the kitchen, and you don’t want to lean over to grab it from the floor.

In fact, you certainly don’t want to have to get it from the other side of the room. If this is you, you need to employ the uses of “Strawception.” Simply place all of your straws together and let the magic unfold before your very eyes.
Filling it up
Filling up your car with gas is one of those things that nobody likes to do, but everyone has to anyway. After all, you don’t want your car breaking down on the highway. However, there are some days where you’re on red but you also just don’t have the energy to get out of your car.

This lazy genius decided that he was going to do something about that because he was not going to go into the cold for anyone. Amazingly, he didn’t have to, because his back window provided all of the energy he needed.
Cereal thriller
We’re torn between thinking that this is genius, and thinking that it’s too lazy for anyone’s good. On one hand, we can’t deny just how convenient it is to be able to eat this cereal straight from its tiny packet for maximum efficiency.

On the other hand, it’s already been set into a smaller portion so you didn’t have to worry about pouring out the right amount – and you can’t even take the time to put it in a bowl? Ahh we eat the stuff dry, who are we judging?
The reversible hoodie
This picture encapsulates three of our favorite lazy-day companions – the computer, providing endless Netflix, funny cat videos and memes. This man seems to have it all. However, he’s also created a genius new invention.

The reversible hoodie not only gives you that all-important hug when you just don’t want to engage in human interaction, but it also serves as a bowl for your popcorn. Who wants to do the dishes anyway? This is a life-saver.
Keeping guard
This man knows what’s up. He’s a lazy genius. While we know that the main aim of a security guard is to stop people from entering buildings they are not allowed in, they are also there to scare away any potential thugs.

Although this security guard knows exactly what his job description requires of him, he also knows that he needs a little snooze. The picture of the scary guard would have to do instead because he’d totally be woken up if someone tried to break into the alarmed jewelry store. A foolproof plan, folks.
Clocking out
Look, we understand not wanting to deal with daylight savings. Having to remember when the clocks go forward and backward, and then having to change your clock in accordance? Ugh.

Nonetheless, while we admire the spirit and ingenuity with which this person has avoided turning their clock back, we have to admit that this is a little ridiculous. We hope they don’t forget to take it down when the clocks jump forward.
An apple a day
We all know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but apples aren’t exactly the perfect fruit for those who are feeling a bit lazy. They have seeds, they have stalks, and they even have stickers to avoid! Why should we spend our sweet time peeling off a sticker and throwing it in the trash can?

This lazy individual took lazy (or genius) to a whole new level when they simply ate around the label and threw both in the trash at the same time.
Avoiding manual labor
If you’re currently wondering whether you’re lazy or not, you just need to ask yourself one question: Do you avoid manual labor? If the answer is yes, you’re the ultimate laze-pot. However, you should also take note of this genius invention.

If you have a small lawn, now is the right time to seriously consider adding a flagpole to your front yard. This way, you can tie your lawn mower to a piece of rope and watch the whole thing spin around. It might make your dizzy, but it will definitely work.
Taking out the trash in style
No matter how long you try to procrastinate this boring household chore – eventually you do have to take out the trash. But if that day of the week has finally come around for you, don’ despair. Just copy this guy.

He takes the trash out in style and comfort, by using his car. This probably requires quite a lot of coordination, so in a way it’s lazier to do it the regular way. But at least this way, you get to sit down the whole time.
Going around and around
When you have one job to do, you normally just focus on getting that done and avoiding all kinds of distractions. After all, the quicker you get the job done, the quicker you can go home and continue your lazy life in peace.

Because of this, lazy people have to adopt the ability to adapt to their surroundings. When this line painter realized that this tree branch was in their way, they adapted, they overcame the situation, and they finished the job. Well, they kinda finished the job, at least.
Google it!
What’s even the point in asking a human being a question when Google exists? The whole point in Google is to take away human interaction, right? This lazy tourist information clerk obviously didn’t understand why they were being paid to do something that a computer could do for them.

So, they decided to improvise and take a snooze out the back instead. It was a win-win situation for everyone, because the tourists got the information they needed, and the lazy clerk got to catch a few winks before their shift ended.
Getting your steps in
There’s the people who go to the gym regularly, and others who have a gym membership but constantly chooses a Netflix binge instead of using it. However, it seems as though there’s another category of human being that we’ve been missing out all of these years.

There’s also the person who decides to go to the gym to get their steps in, but takes the escalator instead of working up a sweat before they get there.
Keep ‘em peeled
There’s certainly a case to be made that oranges are too hard to peel for their own good sometimes. You spend an hour carving through peel with your fingers until they ache, only to suddenly end up with a searing jet of juice in your eye, and a strong desire to give up.

Nonetheless, it’s a little beyond the pale to buy pre-peeled oranges. Not only is it disastrously lazy, it’s also absolutely awful for the environment. If you can’t peel the fruit, get out of the orangery.
Bready steady go
Baking bread is a very involving and fulfilling process, but it sure can take a lot of time. One of the most important things is keeping a regular eye on the bread to make sure that it doesn’t get overbaked – and who has time to run back and forth to the kitchen? Not this person.

This ingenious baker has used their phone to livestream footage of the bread to the TV – saving effort and establishing the world’s most chilled-out cooking channel.
Keeping it secret
Although there are a huge number of lazy people in the world, only a small portion of these people will actually admit to that fact. They like to show an air of sophistication and class to themselves, and they like to do anything they can to cover up their flaw.

This woman is a perfect example of that. She wanted to show the world that she had her ducks in a row and that she had spent a huge amount of time getting a pedicure for the summer months. Instead, she’d really just got a Sharpie and painted the first two toes…
Feeling saucy
We don’t think that there is a person alive who has ever been able to cook the right amount of pasta for the amount of people eating, because it’s one of the many questions that can just never be answered.

This husband didn’t want to throw away the extra pasta he cooked, so he decided to get a little midnight snack ready for when he was feeling peckish instead. By placing the leftover pasta in the tomato sauce jar, he could get saucy whenever he wanted.
The ultimate life hack
If you spend a huge amount of time on your phone, you probably also spend a huge amount of time watching nonsensical videos on the screen. However, if you do this a lot, you’ll realize just how annoying it can be to hold your screen up to your face all the time.

Your arm starts to hurt, your wrist begins to ache, and it just becomes uncomfortable. This lazy person found the perfect solution to this, and we have to say that we’re definitely impressed.
Take a seat
If you’ve ever moved house, you’ll know just how stressful it can be. While this man knew he needed a chair to match his writing desk, he was just so tired from packing and unpacking that he just wanted to take a minute to chill out.

Of course, he could have simply opened the box and sat on the chair that is inside, but that would have been too easy. When laziness strikes, you can’t see what’s in front of you.
Happy birthday to you
If you’re super lazy and want to give someone a birthday cake, take note of this genius life hack. The birthday boy or girl won’t be able to complain, because technically you are giving them a birthday cake in a tin with a candle on the top! It’s a loophole, people.

Of course, it’s not fun for the person who does actually receive the cake because they have to make it themselves, but it’s great for the lazy individual who just doesn’t have it in them to cook up a storm in the kitchen.
Cracking one open
Being lazy and being a parent is not a match made in heaven. Kids are born with bundles of energy that they want to use all of the time, and this can be even more tiring for someone who is lazy and loves to stay inside. Thankfully, this dad managed to find the compromise.

While he cracked open a cold one and took a little breather outside, he was still able to give his daughter a fun time on the swing. Sometimes all it takes is a piece of rope!
Almost there
Let’s be honest; there’s nothing worse than getting to the end of the toilet paper roll. It’s irritating, it’s frustrating, and sometimes it’s downright impractical. While most of us can normally just reach down and grab another roll from the holder on the floor, it’s a whole different story when it comes to throwing away the cardboard roll.

Nobody really wants to take the responsibility for throwing it away, which is why this person decided just to keep it there instead. You can barely notice it’s there, right?
Look, this person just wants to maximize the efficiency in their life. After all, shopping carts are fitted with wheels to make them easier to push around without getting tired – so why shouldn’t this person apply that logic to the rest of their life?

Okay fine, this is disastrously lazy – and ill-advised we think, as it’s hard to believe it’s easier to steer a shopping cart when you’re also trying to steer a hoverboard. This person might become the first ever to have a vehicular collision with their own cart.
All about compromise
There’s nothing worse than waiting in line. As a lazy person, there are things we’d much rather be doing, such as sitting down and avoiding all traces of humanity. Yet, when you really want a burger and fries, you sometimes have to do things you don’t want to do.

This woman knew that she wanted to fill her stomach with yummy Burger King food, but she also knew that she wanted to be sat down on her couch. So, she decided to compromise and sit down while waiting in line. We might have to steal this one.
Christmas wrapping
It’s fair to say that packing away your Christmas tree can be laborious. Even if you’ve got a fake tree, so you don’t have to deal with taking it to the dump, you still have to remove all the ornaments and pack everything away neatly – yawwwwwn.

This individual has come up with a unique way of putting the tree away, binding it tightly with Saran Wrap to keep it well-contained. Pros: ready to be used for next year. Cons: they definitely broke some ornaments doing that.
Stuck in line
There really is nothing worse than being stuck in line for hours on end, and this is often the case if you make your way to the DMV or embassy offices. Of course, nobody wants to be standing on their feet for four hours, which is why these lazy geniuses devised this incredible plan.

Simply take off your shoes and reserve your spot, before making your way to the chairs and having a little snooze before it’s your turn. This is a great idea, as long as nobody has stinky feet or cheesy shoes.
Jumping in the car
Whoever owns this house has gone to some serious lengths to avoid humans, and we have to commend them for that. However, we also have to commend them for their laziness. After all, there’s only a short walk from the boat dock to the house, but they still decided to jump in the car and drive a few meters.

What confuses us, though, is that they have driven their car and parked it just over halfway? Why would they not drive all the way to the house? Are they really that lazy?
The ultimate headband
Let’s be honest; we try to avoid speaking to anyone on the phone at all costs. It’s uncomfortable, it’s awkward, and it’s just not something we like to engage in.

However, sometimes we have no choice in the matter, and it requires a huge amount of energy to keep the phone pressed to your ear. Cleverly, this person took advantage of their laziness and the fact that they had a rubber band on their desk.
Rolling with the homies
If you’ve ever tried getting a stroller into the car, you’ll know it requires a team of ten people, about five hours, and the strength of an elephant. In short, it’s pretty difficult. This can be particularly annoying if you only want to go on a ten-minute journey with your little one. So, most parents choose just to walk instead. But what happens if you’re too lazy to walk?

Well, this mom knows what’s up. Instead of dealing with tired feet, she decided to make use of the Segway she was bought for Christmas.
Doggy drive-thru
Dogs are adorable, right? We love those little floofers. However, there’s a lot of work that goes into owning a dog, and sometimes you probably don’t have the energy. You don’t want to put on clothes and take them for a walk, and you definitely don’t want to waste your whole morning.

If you’re lazy and contemplating how you can give your dog its workout without having one yourself, take note of these guys. You can stay in your pajamas, and you don’t even have to interact with anyone. All you need is a car and a lead.
Mush, mush!
Dogs require a huge amount of exercise, which can be pretty tiring if you’re not the kind of owner that likes exercise. Thankfully, this man has found the perfect lazy alternative. All you need to complete a daily dog walk is a dog, a lead, a wheelie chair, and the entertainment of your choice.

This could be a newspaper, a magazine, a crossword puzzle, or even a tablet to watch the next installment of Riverdale on Netflix. The lazy world is your oyster when you have a dog in front of you.
Running late
Lazy people are almost always late because we just have no concept of time. In fact, we always think we have time for another 30 minutes in bed. Of course, snoozing our alarm always means that we have less time for actual jobs that need doing – like wiping away the snow and ice from our cars!

This person found the perfect hack to a lack of time, though. Instead of spending ages defrosting the whole front windscreen, they decided to just create a little gap for them to see through. It may not be safe, but it’s lazily effective.
On and off again
Escalators are a godsend when it comes to lazy people. They don’t have to worry about putting one foot in front of the other, or climbing up stairs and using up all of their energy stores. Of course, there are some escalators that just seem a little unnecessary.

Considering the space between these two floors is incredibly small, it seems ridiculous to fill it with a few steps of an escalator. However, we bet lazy people would still prefer it to actual stairs. We wouldn’t say no, that’s for sure.
Getting comfortable
If you love your bed more than life itself, you’re not alone. Our pillows and our comforter make us extremely happy, and it seems as though this boy is of the same opinion. Although he wanted to play video games, he couldn’t bear the thought of getting out of bed and losing his comfortable position.

So, he decided that instead of changing the position of his own body, he would change the position of the television instead! We will definitely be doing this in the future because this looks super comfy.
Keeping it hands-free
When you have the best show in the world on your screen, the last thing you want to think about is filling your stomach at the same time. If it were possible, you’d have someone by your side and placing the Cheetos in your mouth without you having to ask.

That would be the life. Yet, most people don’t have someone to do that, so they have to rely on themselves instead. Kind of, anyway. This man found the perfect way to keep his stomach full and his hands-free.
Looking familiar
Does this woman look familiar to you? While it’s clear to see that the woman standing in line at Burger King has simply been photoshopped onto this treadmill, we bet there are people out there who will do anything they can to avoid exercise.

Treadmills are pretty dangerous, so it should come as no surprise that people want to leave them alone. However, exercise is also pretty important, so this lady decided to compromise. Technically she still needs to move her legs, so we’re still going to count it as exercise.
Keep calm and carry on
We’d like to think that firefighters aren’t lazy, considering they work in such a high-pressured job. However, it seems as though this lazy firefighter has managed to find a way to utilize his two passions in life.

While he is still saving lives and putting out fires on a regular basis, he is also happy to have a little sit-down and chill out while the fire rages on. We are a little concerned about the bottle of water on the floor, though. He needs one of those fancy straws, so he doesn’t have to move from his comfy spot.
The boy racer
Young boys are often stereotyped for driving fast and often recklessly, but it’s safe to say that we’ve never seen anything quite like this before. We all have our favorite chairs in our living room, and we can only imagine that he fell a little bit in love with this leather recliner.

When it came to getting out of the house and being an actual human being, he wasn’t going to do so without his best friend by his side – or under his bottom! So, the chair came with him and created this awesome bicycle-armchair-hybrid.
Hands by your side
I mean, we kinda want one. If you’re the kind of person that loves to eat cheeseburgers but hates all of the effort that goes into eating one, then this device could be for you. Although cheeseburgers are not heavy, they do require a lot of lifting and a lot of arm movement that could definitely be avoided.

Burger King has designed this device that allows you to keep your hands by your side and eat the burger as lazily as you can muster. Actually, we want ten of them.
The holiday spirit
When everyone around you is getting into the holiday spirit, but you just don’t have the energy to get excited about Christmas, it can be easy to just do a half-hearted attempt at decorating. If you need an example of this, just take a look right here.

Inside of that box is a Christmas tree, but nobody in this household wanted to open the box and assemble the whole thing. So, they decided to take away one of the steps and still decorate the tree with the string lights. Well, a tree in a box.
Keeping them clean
Although we can see that this woman is pretty lazy, we also think that she’s pretty genius. After all, we all know that eating a watermelon can get messy. The seeds somehow make their way out of your mouth and onto the floor, the juice runs down your face and onto your clothes, and it’s just one completely mess.

Yet, she found a way to stop this from happening. By attaching a plastic bag onto her glasses, she was able to catch all of the excess. This is smart.
Keep your head up
When you just have no energy to do anything and want to have a little snooze at your desk, you often need to get creative to make sure that you don’t get fired. To ensure that he kept his head up and continued to stare at his screen, this man decided to create a little head hammock.

This also meant that he didn’t have to put any effort into keeping his head above water and could even close his eyes without his boss realizing. What a genius.
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