Whether they’re about haunted houses, possessed dolls, or mask wearing serial killers – there’s nothing like a good horror movie to scare the living daylight out of you once in a while.
But although very entertaining, scary movies rarely make much sense. With characters constantly making the dumbest mistakes, and the genre riddled with unrealistic tropes, it’s impossible not to make a little fun of it once in a while. And these horror movie memes, jokes, and tweets do that perfectly.
[post_page_title]Horror movie logic[/post_page_title]
We’ve all seen this a million times. There is a suspicious noise coming from the basement. So naturally, the young woman who is all alone in a massive house in the middle of the woods, goes to check it out…
This is just a go to favorite trope for all horror movie writers. And that sort of familiarity is also what makes these movies so satisfying. We love rolling our eyes at the characters, and saying how much smarter we would act if we were in that situation.